DiscoverThe Megyn Kelly ShowBiden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844
Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

Update: 2024-07-2211


The episode begins with Megan Kelly discussing President Joe Biden's sudden announcement that he will not be seeking a second term, sparking questions about his health and the circumstances surrounding his decision. Kelly presents accounts from Politico and The New York Times about the events leading up to Biden's announcement, including a meeting with close advisors and a statement released via social media. She raises concerns about Biden's health, pointing to a video showing him needing assistance to enter his motorcade, and the lack of public appearances since. Kelly analyzes the unusual nature of Biden's announcement, including the lack of an official White House seal, the unusual signature, and the absence of an endorsement for Vice President Harris. She expresses her own questions about Biden's health and the circumstances surrounding his decision, including the unusual signature and the lack of public appearances. Vice President Kamala Harris makes her first public appearance at the White House, offering a statement about Biden's legacy and his recovery. Kelly introduces Charles C.W. Cook and Jim Garrity, who discuss the implications of Biden's decision and the possibility of a "President in Name Only" scenario. Jim Garrity, who coined the term "PINO," explains his reasoning for believing that Biden may be incapacitated and unable to fully fulfill his presidential duties. Kelly and her guests discuss the increasing scandal surrounding Biden's absence from public view, particularly given his status as the sitting president. Charles C.W. Cook points to historical precedents of presidents' health being covered up by the White House and the press, raising questions about whether a similar situation is unfolding with Biden. Kelly emphasizes the public's right to know about the president's health and ability to function, arguing that it's not just an election issue but a matter of national importance. Jim Garrity stresses the importance of transparency in government, arguing that the public deserves to know what's happening with the president, even if it's uncomfortable. Kelly and her guests discuss Frank Biden's comments about his brother's health, which raise further concerns about Biden's condition. Kelly draws a parallel between the current situation and the movie "Dave," where a look-alike is hired to impersonate an incapacitated president, raising questions about the possibility of a similar scenario. Kelly and her guests speculate about the possibility of a "rope-a-dope" strategy being employed by Biden's team, where they are keeping him out of public view while he recovers from a health issue. Kelly and her guests emphasize the importance of having a fully functioning president, particularly in a world with global threats and challenges. Kelly presents the official explanation from Politico, which attributes Biden's decision to damning new information about his campaign's performance and polling data. Kelly proposes a "Godfather" theory, suggesting that Biden may have been threatened with something related to his health, forcing him to step down. Kelly and her guests discuss the possibility that Biden may have been blackmailed into stepping down, questioning the validity of the official explanation about polling data. Kelly and her guests analyze the impact of the recent debate on Biden's political prospects, arguing that it likely signaled the end of his chances for a second term. Kelly and her guests discuss Biden's health concerns that emerged during the 2020 campaign, including his limited public appearances and his performance in interviews. Kelly and her guests speculate about the possibility that Biden's health condition may have been known to those around him, suggesting that he may have been a "part-time president" for some time. Charles C.W. Cook criticizes Biden's record as president, arguing that he has been a terrible president and that his supporters are engaging in excessive praise and "fluffing" of his accomplishments. Cook argues that Biden has allowed himself to be convinced of his own importance and indispensability, despite his poor performance as president. Kelly and her guests discuss the possibility that Jill Biden may have played a role in Biden's decision to step down, given the unusual signature on his announcement letter. Kelly previews the upcoming discussion about the Democrats' potential plans for Kamala Harris, including the possibility of a "knife in the front" to remove Biden from the presidency. Kelly uses a Van Diagram analogy to illustrate the overlapping factors contributing to the current situation, including the media coverage, the public's perception, and the unknown information. Kelly introduces the discussion about Kamala Harris, highlighting Charles C.W. Cook's previous criticism of her and his current perspective on her potential candidacy. Cook explains how Harris was "resuscitated" by Biden and placed in the VP spot, leading to the current situation where he finds himself facing the prospect of an election between Harris and Trump. Cook criticizes Harris's character, arguing that she is an awful and terrible person who doesn't believe in anything and has authoritarian tendencies. Cook discusses the Democrats' strategy for promoting Harris, arguing that the short time frame before the election may actually be an advantage for her. Kelly and her guests discuss the attempt by young leftists to rebrand Harris's cringy moments as cool and relatable, using terms like "likable," "oddball," and "funny." Cook criticizes the attempt to portray Harris as a "wine ant," arguing that it's not a quality that Americans are looking for in a president. Cook discusses the controversy surrounding Harris's past relationship with Willie Brown, arguing that it's fair game to discuss as part of her pattern of ascending to positions without merit. Cook analyzes Harris's political career, arguing that her success in California politics, while impressive, doesn't necessarily translate to national success. Cook attributes Harris's "nervous laugh" and her tendency to sound like she's giving a book report to her lack of confidence and her fear of saying the wrong thing. Cook discusses the selection of Harris as Biden's running mate, arguing that it was a strategic choice based on identity politics rather than her qualifications. Kelly presents information from Axios about Biden's doubts about Harris's election chances and his concerns about her ability to handle the presidency. Kelly and her guests discuss a story about Harris's anxiety and her staff's preparation for a dinner with journalists, including a mock dinner with staffers playing participants. Cook shares his initial impression of Harris at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, where he saw her as a rising star with potential. Kelly lists some of Harris's controversial stances, including her support for abolishing private health insurance, her stance on gun control, and her support for the Green New Deal. Kelly and her guests discuss the potential for Harris to make late-night comedy shows funny again, given her controversial stances and her tendency to make gaffes. Kelly plays a montage of Harris's controversial soundbites, highlighting her flippant answers and her support for radical policies. Cook analyzes Harris's character flaws, identifying her lack of belief in anything, her flippant attitude, and her authoritarian tendencies. Cook highlights Harris's authoritarian tendencies, citing her statement that she would use executive orders to bypass Congress on gun control. Cook describes Harris as the "nightmare candidate" for him, due to her combination of nihilism, flippancy, and authoritarianism. Cook acknowledges the Democrats' support for Harris, despite her low approval rating, citing her strong stance on abortion rights as a key factor. Kelly and her guests discuss how the next couple of months might play out, considering the Democrats' potential strategies for Harris and the public's need to digest the recent events. Kelly and her guests discuss the Democrats' options for replacing Biden, including the possibility of elevating Whitmer or Shapiro, but ultimately concluding that they will stick with Harris. Kelly and her guests discuss Harris's weakness as a candidate, acknowledging that she is not a strong contender but could benefit from being the sitting president. Kelly and her guests discuss the Democrats' lack of loyalty to Biden, suggesting that they may be willing to "knife him in the front" to elevate Harris. Kelly and her guests discuss the argument that Harris is mentally fit for the presidency, while Biden may not be, raising questions about the Democrats' potential motivations. Kelly and her guests discuss Harris's ability to separate herself from Biden's record, arguing that she could potentially present herself as a candidate for change. Kelly and her guests discuss Harris's advantages as a candidate, including her youth, her appeal to women and minorities, and her ability to campaign effectively. Kelly expresses her concern about the unpredictability of the election, given the recent events and the potential for further surprises. Kelly introduces the discussion about the Secret Service hearing on Capitol Hill, where Director Kim Cheatle is facing scrutiny over the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Kelly and her guests discuss the Secret Service's lack of transparency and their refusal to provide answers about the attempted assassination, raising concerns about their competence and accountability. Kelly plays a clip of Congresswoman Nancy Mace's confrontation with Cheatle, where she repeatedly asks yes-or-no questions about the Secret Service's failures and Cheatle's evasive answers. Kelly and her guests discuss the need for resignations from Cheatle and other officials involved in the Secret Service's failures, arguing that they should be held accountable for their actions. Kelly and her guests discuss the political implications of Biden firing Cheatle, arguing that it would be an easy win for him but that he has not taken action. Kelly and her guests discuss the Secret Service's misleading statements about Trump's security team being denied resources, highlighting the agency's lack of credibility. Jim Garrity mentions his novel, "Dooling Six Demons," and jokes about the irony of the Secret Service director's name being "Cheatle" and the assassin's name being "Brooks." Kelly and her guests discuss the lack of accountability in government, pointing to the Secret Service's failures and the lack of resignations or firings. Kelly and her guests argue that Biden should have fired Cheatle or demanded her resignation, highlighting the lack of accountability in the current administration. Kelly and her guests discuss the Secret Service's double failure, both in protecting Trump and in misleading the public about the situation. The episode concludes with a promotion for The Megan Kelly Show on Sirius XM, highlighting its content and its availability on the Sirius XM app. Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, joins the show to discuss the Secret Service hearing and Biden's decision to step down. Kelly and Rubin discuss the Secret Service's failures in protecting Trump, including their decision not to station an agent on the roof and their lack of transparency. Rubin calls for Cheatle's immediate resignation, arguing that she has no honor and that her explanation for not having an agent on the roof is irrelevant. Rubin discusses the broader issue of lack of accountability in society, arguing that no one takes responsibility for their actions, regardless of the consequences. Kelly and Rubin discuss the controversy surrounding the DEI questions asked in the wake of the Trump assassination attempt, arguing that the focus should be on competence and security rather than identity politics. Rubin argues that the government is no longer getting the best of the best to work for it, and that the addition of DEI considerations is further degrading institutions. Rubin emphasizes the need for competence in government positions, arguing that the focus should be on qualifications and experience rather than identity politics. This segment discusses the impact of wokeness on institutions, specifically highlighting the Secret Service's failure to protect President Trump during an assassination attempt. The speakers criticize the Secret Service Director's performance and question the agency's decision-making process. The segment shifts to discuss Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Kamala Harris as President Biden's running mate. The speakers express their disapproval of this decision, calling it a "coup" and questioning the legitimacy of the process. They also criticize the Democratic Party's handling of the situation and the lack of transparency surrounding Biden's cognitive abilities. The speakers analyze the political landscape and discuss the upcoming election. They speculate on the potential impact of Kamala Harris's candidacy and discuss Trump's strategy for handling her. They also highlight the importance of focusing on policy choices and exposing the left's radical agenda. The speakers discuss the narrative shift in the election, highlighting the potential for Kamala Harris to portray herself as a prosecutor against Trump. They emphasize the importance of Trump staying on message and exposing Harris's radical ideas. They also discuss the importance of authenticity and how Trump's genuine personality contrasts with the perceived inauthenticity of the Democratic Party.


Biden's Shocking Announcement and the Questions It Raises

The episode begins with Megan Kelly discussing President Joe Biden's sudden announcement that he will not be seeking a second term, sparking questions about his health and the circumstances surrounding his decision. Kelly presents accounts from Politico and The New York Times about the events leading up to Biden's announcement, including a meeting with close advisors and a statement released via social media. She raises concerns about Biden's health, pointing to a video showing him needing assistance to enter his motorcade, and the lack of public appearances since. Kelly analyzes the unusual nature of Biden's announcement, including the lack of an official White House seal, the unusual signature, and the absence of an endorsement for Vice President Harris. She expresses her own questions about Biden's health and the circumstances surrounding his decision, including the unusual signature and the lack of public appearances.

The "President in Name Only" Theory and the Scandal of Biden's Absence

Vice President Kamala Harris makes her first public appearance at the White House, offering a statement about Biden's legacy and his recovery. Kelly introduces Charles C.W. Cook and Jim Garrity, who discuss the implications of Biden's decision and the possibility of a "President in Name Only" scenario. Jim Garrity, who coined the term "PINO," explains his reasoning for believing that Biden may be incapacitated and unable to fully fulfill his presidential duties. Kelly and her guests discuss the increasing scandal surrounding Biden's absence from public view, particularly given his status as the sitting president. Charles C.W. Cook points to historical precedents of presidents' health being covered up by the White House and the press, raising questions about whether a similar situation is unfolding with Biden. Kelly emphasizes the public's right to know about the president's health and ability to function, arguing that it's not just an election issue but a matter of national importance. Jim Garrity stresses the importance of transparency in government, arguing that the public deserves to know what's happening with the president, even if it's uncomfortable.

Speculation and Theories Surrounding Biden's Decision

Kelly and her guests discuss Frank Biden's comments about his brother's health, which raise further concerns about Biden's condition. Kelly draws a parallel between the current situation and the movie "Dave," where a look-alike is hired to impersonate an incapacitated president, raising questions about the possibility of a similar scenario. Kelly and her guests speculate about the possibility of a "rope-a-dope" strategy being employed by Biden's team, where they are keeping him out of public view while he recovers from a health issue. Kelly and her guests emphasize the importance of having a fully functioning president, particularly in a world with global threats and challenges. Kelly presents the official explanation from Politico, which attributes Biden's decision to damning new information about his campaign's performance and polling data. Kelly proposes a "Godfather" theory, suggesting that Biden may have been threatened with something related to his health, forcing him to step down. Kelly and her guests discuss the possibility that Biden may have been blackmailed into stepping down, questioning the validity of the official explanation about polling data. Kelly and her guests analyze the impact of the recent debate on Biden's political prospects, arguing that it likely signaled the end of his chances for a second term.

Analyzing Biden's Record and the Democrats' Potential Plans for Harris

Kelly and her guests discuss Biden's health concerns that emerged during the 2020 campaign, including his limited public appearances and his performance in interviews. Kelly and her guests speculate about the possibility that Biden's health condition may have been known to those around him, suggesting that he may have been a "part-time president" for some time. Charles C.W. Cook criticizes Biden's record as president, arguing that he has been a terrible president and that his supporters are engaging in excessive praise and "fluffing" of his accomplishments. Cook argues that Biden has allowed himself to be convinced of his own importance and indispensability, despite his poor performance as president. Kelly and her guests discuss the possibility that Jill Biden may have played a role in Biden's decision to step down, given the unusual signature on his announcement letter. Kelly previews the upcoming discussion about the Democrats' potential plans for Kamala Harris, including the possibility of a "knife in the front" to remove Biden from the presidency.

Kamala Harris: A Potential Candidate and the Democrats' Strategy

Kelly uses a Van Diagram analogy to illustrate the overlapping factors contributing to the current situation, including the media coverage, the public's perception, and the unknown information. Kelly introduces the discussion about Kamala Harris, highlighting Charles C.W. Cook's previous criticism of her and his current perspective on her potential candidacy. Cook explains how Harris was "resuscitated" by Biden and placed in the VP spot, leading to the current situation where he finds himself facing the prospect of an election between Harris and Trump. Cook criticizes Harris's character, arguing that she is an awful and terrible person who doesn't believe in anything and has authoritarian tendencies. Cook discusses the Democrats' strategy for promoting Harris, arguing that the short time frame before the election may actually be an advantage for her. Kelly and her guests discuss the attempt by young leftists to rebrand Harris's cringy moments as cool and relatable, using terms like "likable," "oddball," and "funny."

Examining Kamala Harris's Political Career and Controversial Stances

Cook criticizes the attempt to portray Harris as a "wine ant," arguing that it's not a quality that Americans are looking for in a president. Cook discusses the controversy surrounding Harris's past relationship with Willie Brown, arguing that it's fair game to discuss as part of her pattern of ascending to positions without merit. Cook analyzes Harris's political career, arguing that her success in California politics, while impressive, doesn't necessarily translate to national success. Cook attributes Harris's "nervous laugh" and her tendency to sound like she's giving a book report to her lack of confidence and her fear of saying the wrong thing. Cook discusses the selection of Harris as Biden's running mate, arguing that it was a strategic choice based on identity politics rather than her qualifications. Kelly presents information from Axios about Biden's doubts about Harris's election chances and his concerns about her ability to handle the presidency. Kelly and her guests discuss a story about Harris's anxiety and her staff's preparation for a dinner with journalists, including a mock dinner with staffers playing participants.

Kamala Harris: A Controversial Figure with Potential and Flaws

Cook shares his initial impression of Harris at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, where he saw her as a rising star with potential. Kelly lists some of Harris's controversial stances, including her support for abolishing private health insurance, her stance on gun control, and her support for the Green New Deal. Kelly and her guests discuss the potential for Harris to make late-night comedy shows funny again, given her controversial stances and her tendency to make gaffes. Kelly plays a montage of Harris's controversial soundbites, highlighting her flippant answers and her support for radical policies. Cook analyzes Harris's character flaws, identifying her lack of belief in anything, her flippant attitude, and her authoritarian tendencies. Cook highlights Harris's authoritarian tendencies, citing her statement that she would use executive orders to bypass Congress on gun control. Cook describes Harris as the "nightmare candidate" for him, due to her combination of nihilism, flippancy, and authoritarianism. Cook acknowledges the Democrats' support for Harris, despite her low approval rating, citing her strong stance on abortion rights as a key factor.

The Democrats' Options and the Unpredictability of the Election

Kelly and her guests discuss how the next couple of months might play out, considering the Democrats' potential strategies for Harris and the public's need to digest the recent events. Kelly and her guests discuss the Democrats' options for replacing Biden, including the possibility of elevating Whitmer or Shapiro, but ultimately concluding that they will stick with Harris. Kelly and her guests discuss Harris's weakness as a candidate, acknowledging that she is not a strong contender but could benefit from being the sitting president. Kelly and her guests discuss the Democrats' lack of loyalty to Biden, suggesting that they may be willing to "knife him in the front" to elevate Harris. Kelly and her guests discuss the argument that Harris is mentally fit for the presidency, while Biden may not be, raising questions about the Democrats' potential motivations. Kelly and her guests discuss Harris's ability to separate herself from Biden's record, arguing that she could potentially present herself as a candidate for change. Kelly and her guests discuss Harris's advantages as a candidate, including her youth, her appeal to women and minorities, and her ability to campaign effectively. Kelly expresses her concern about the unpredictability of the election, given the recent events and the potential for further surprises.

The Secret Service Hearing and the Lack of Accountability

Kelly introduces the discussion about the Secret Service hearing on Capitol Hill, where Director Kim Cheatle is facing scrutiny over the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Kelly and her guests discuss the Secret Service's lack of transparency and their refusal to provide answers about the attempted assassination, raising concerns about their competence and accountability. Kelly plays a clip of Congresswoman Nancy Mace's confrontation with Cheatle, where she repeatedly asks yes-or-no questions about the Secret Service's failures and Cheatle's evasive answers. Kelly and her guests discuss the need for resignations from Cheatle and other officials involved in the Secret Service's failures, arguing that they should be held accountable for their actions. Kelly and her guests discuss the political implications of Biden firing Cheatle, arguing that it would be an easy win for him but that he has not taken action. Kelly and her guests discuss the Secret Service's misleading statements about Trump's security team being denied resources, highlighting the agency's lack of credibility. Jim Garrity mentions his novel, "Dooling Six Demons," and jokes about the irony of the Secret Service director's name being "Cheatle" and the assassin's name being "Brooks."

The Secret Service's Failures and the Broader Issue of Lack of Accountability

Kelly and her guests discuss the lack of accountability in government, pointing to the Secret Service's failures and the lack of resignations or firings. Kelly and her guests argue that Biden should have fired Cheatle or demanded her resignation, highlighting the lack of accountability in the current administration. Kelly and her guests discuss the Secret Service's double failure, both in protecting Trump and in misleading the public about the situation. The episode concludes with a promotion for The Megan Kelly Show on Sirius XM, highlighting its content and its availability on the Sirius XM app. Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, joins the show to discuss the Secret Service hearing and Biden's decision to step down. Kelly and Rubin discuss the Secret Service's failures in protecting Trump, including their decision not to station an agent on the roof and their lack of transparency. Rubin calls for Cheatle's immediate resignation, arguing that she has no honor and that her explanation for not having an agent on the roof is irrelevant.

The Impact of Wokeness and the Degradation of Government Institutions

Rubin discusses the broader issue of lack of accountability in society, arguing that no one takes responsibility for their actions, regardless of the consequences. Kelly and Rubin discuss the controversy surrounding the DEI questions asked in the wake of the Trump assassination attempt, arguing that the focus should be on competence and security rather than identity politics. Rubin argues that the government is no longer getting the best of the best to work for it, and that the addition of DEI considerations is further degrading institutions. Rubin emphasizes the need for competence in government positions, arguing that the focus should be on qualifications and experience rather than identity politics. This segment discusses the impact of wokeness on institutions, specifically highlighting the Secret Service's failure to protect President Trump during an assassination attempt. The speakers criticize the Secret Service Director's performance and question the agency's decision-making process.

The Democratic Party's Coup and the Upcoming Election

The segment shifts to discuss Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Kamala Harris as President Biden's running mate. The speakers express their disapproval of this decision, calling it a "coup" and questioning the legitimacy of the process. They also criticize the Democratic Party's handling of the situation and the lack of transparency surrounding Biden's cognitive abilities. The speakers analyze the political landscape and discuss the upcoming election. They speculate on the potential impact of Kamala Harris's candidacy and discuss Trump's strategy for handling her. They also highlight the importance of focusing on policy choices and exposing the left's radical agenda. The speakers discuss the narrative shift in the election, highlighting the potential for Kamala Harris to portray herself as a prosecutor against Trump. They emphasize the importance of Trump staying on message and exposing Harris's radical ideas. They also discuss the importance of authenticity and how Trump's genuine personality contrasts with the perceived inauthenticity of the Democratic Party.


President in Name Only (PINO)

A term used to describe a president who is in office but is unable to fully fulfill their duties due to health or other incapacities.

Kamala Harris

The current Vice President of the United States, who is considered a potential candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2024 presidential election.

Joe Biden

The current President of the United States, who has announced that he will not be seeking a second term.

Donald Trump

The former President of the United States, who was the target of an assassination attempt at the Republican National Convention.

Secret Service

The federal agency responsible for protecting the President of the United States and other high-ranking officials.

Kim Cheatle

The Director of the Secret Service, who is facing scrutiny over the agency's failures in protecting Trump.

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

A set of principles that emphasize the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of society, including government.


A term used to describe a social justice movement that emphasizes the importance of addressing systemic racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression. It often involves promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.


  • What are the main concerns surrounding President Biden's decision to step down from the 2024 presidential race?

    The main concerns are related to Biden's health and the lack of transparency surrounding his decision. Many people are questioning whether he is fully capable of fulfilling his presidential duties, and there are concerns about potential cover-ups regarding his condition.

  • What are the potential implications of Biden's decision for the 2024 election?

    Biden's decision has opened up the possibility of a "President in Name Only" scenario, where he remains in office but is unable to fully function. This could lead to a power vacuum and a potential shift in the balance of power within the Democratic Party, with Kamala Harris emerging as a potential frontrunner.

  • What are the main criticisms of Kamala Harris as a potential presidential candidate?

    Critics argue that Harris is an awful and terrible person who doesn't believe in anything and has authoritarian tendencies. They point to her controversial stances on issues like healthcare, gun control, and the Green New Deal, as well as her tendency to make gaffes and her lack of experience in national politics.

  • What are the key questions surrounding the Secret Service's failures in protecting Donald Trump?

    The key questions are: why was an agent not stationed on the roof, who made the decision to leave the roof outside the security perimeter, and why has no one been held accountable for the failures. The Secret Service's lack of transparency and their misleading statements have further eroded public trust in the agency.

  • What are the broader implications of the lack of accountability in government?

    The lack of accountability in government is a serious problem that undermines public trust and erodes the legitimacy of institutions. It creates a culture of impunity, where officials are not held responsible for their actions, regardless of the consequences. This can lead to a decline in the quality of governance and a loss of faith in the democratic process.

  • What is the main criticism of the Secret Service's performance during the assassination attempt on President Trump?

    The speakers criticize the Secret Service's failure to react quickly to the threat posed by the gunman, despite receiving warnings about a suspicious individual. They question the agency's decision-making process and the effectiveness of their communication systems.

  • Why do the speakers consider Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Kamala Harris as a "coup"?

    The speakers believe that Pelosi's endorsement is a way for the Democratic Party to circumvent a primary election and impose their preferred candidate on the American people. They argue that this process is undemocratic and undermines the will of the voters.

  • What is the potential narrative shift in the upcoming election, and how does it affect Trump's strategy?

    The speakers believe that Kamala Harris could portray herself as a prosecutor against Trump, capitalizing on the assassination attempt and the perception of Trump as a criminal. They suggest that Trump should focus on exposing Harris's radical policies and highlighting his own authenticity.

  • How does Trump's personality and behavior contrast with the perceived inauthenticity of the Democratic Party?

    The speakers argue that Trump's genuine personality and ability to connect with people make him appear more authentic than the Democratic Party, which they perceive as being driven by political agendas and identity politics. They believe that Trump's authenticity is a key asset in the upcoming election.

Show Notes

Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the monumental news that Joe Biden has stepped down as nominee through a statement posted to his X account, why there are questions about the validity of his signature, the alarming way he looked when he was last seen on Wednesday, and more. Then Charles C.W. Cooke and Jim Geraghty of National Review join to discuss why it's strange that Biden hasn’t been seen or heard from for days, the true nature of his health condition, whether Biden really can remain president now that he's no longer running as the nominee, if Kamala Harris has an actual shot of winning the presidency if she's the Democratic nominee, her cringe and awkward moments that attempt to cover up her nervousness, young people online trying to make her awkwardness seem cool, her political failures during this administration, how top Dems will try to sell Harris to America and whether it will work, whether she might be installed as president in the next few weeks too, and more. Then Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, joins to discuss the failures of the Secret Service that led to the assassination attempt on Trump, the lack of accountability surrounding the incident, the Secret Service director Kim Cheatle being grilled by both sides of the aisle in a Congressional hearing, her refusal to give any actual answers, Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement of Kamala Harris, top Dems pushing Harris as the nominee while Biden remains hidden, and more.






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Comments (3)

Claudia Smith

xoxoxoxo 😒 🤔 😒 🤔

Jul 22nd

Claudia Smith

Four more years of Cacklings. No way.

Jul 22nd

Claudia Smith

Broken down in alligator tears?

Jul 22nd
In Channel

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Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844
